The AUGUST 7TH MEMORIAL PARK also functions as a Centre of outreach to the public, to educate Kenyans on the appalling consequences of terrorism and violence and the need for peace, tolerance and reconciliation.

The Memorial Park is a tribute to the innocent people who lost their lives as a result of the 1998 bombing, a tribute to the courage of those who have coped with injuries sustained and/or the loss of a loved one and condemnation of terrorism.

The Park makes a statement on the futility of terrorism and that the virtues of humanity will prevail.


The Memorial Wall: The Central Feature of the park is the wall that commemorates the 218 people who died- with each name inscribed on a granite slab.

The Plants: All the plants are indigenous Kenya plants selected from different parts of the country to signify that each Kenyan was affected by the blast.

The Fountain: A fountain made in the famous Ying Yang sign bubbles is in the Centre of the Park and is a symbol of life.

The Mind, Body & Spirit Sculpture: A sculpture made up of debris from the blast , dominates one side at the Park- striking and poignant at the same time.

The Rocks: The rocks that align the park walk way were collected from different riverbeds all over the country to signify that each Kenyan was affected by the blast.

We are open to the public everyday from 6:00am to 6:00pm.

A serene place with lush gardens in the City Centre where you can come to sit and relax as you enjoy our free WiFi service.

Gate entrance fee is Kshs.50/- per person.