The trust also runs an Art in the Park project, which aims to enhance and contribute to the revival of Nairobi’s Central business district as a venue of arts and entertainment, and promote talent among the Kenyan public both in visual and audio art. 

The Art in the Park project aims at nurturing and promoting local art talent among Kenyan children and youths. The project identifies talented Kenyans and provides them with a platform to develop their talents, gain confidence and exposure.


The Kenyan civil society has put in place significant measures to educate the public on how to deal with various socio-economic problems affecting Kenyans including child abuse, HIV and AIDS, health and nutrition, hygiene and sanitation among other issues.

These efforts have greatly enhanced the protection of children and contributed to the reduction of HIV and AIDS infection and prevalence, malnutrition and health related problems. However, most awareness creation effort by the civil society is largely concentrated in the informal settlements of Nairobi, leaving out middle to high income earners, who are also affected.

Through the Art in the Park Project, the August 7th Memorial Park intends to target the un-targeted Kenyan public and create awareness on various socio-economic issues affecting the Kenyan public. The park, being open to the public brings together members of the Kenyan public from all walks of life; from low income earners to middle and high income earners who want to take time off to relax in a serene environment. This therefore provides a ready cosmopolitan audience for public education.

sculpture within the park - Art in the Park